:: Melissa's No-name Stories ::

Formerly the home of my war-related copy, this is a showcase of my day-to-day work. I won't bore y'all with every little one I write (man, I should have started a USA Today page a year ago!) but here is a collection of my favorites. So, mom and Conor, here are my stories that went out into the world without a name. Oh, and my music reviews.
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:: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 ::

"Untying the Not" (SCI Fidelity, $13.99) _ The String Cheese Incident
After playing together for nearly a decade, The String Cheese Incident has begun to break away from what jamband fans would expect.
And that difference, heard on their new album, "Untying the Not," is refreshing.
Beginning with "Mountain Girl," the bluegrass-funk band explores electronic, almost dance-driven beats, complete with spoken-word, leading to a more intense sound. Following with four-part harmony, twangy "Lonesome Road Blues," the music again twists into the dark tone of the album, with more hard-to-understand voices.
Piano-based "Elijah" proves how powerful music with no words can be. Written for a family member who passed away, the band expresses sorrow through every note. The bittersweet "Just Passing Through" and "Sirens" also evoke thoughts of immortality.
Yet despite the somber moments, "Untying the Not" leaves listeners eager for more.
_ Melissa Mansfield, AP Writer
(I do not like how this was edited, but I will have to live. Ugh)
:: Melissa 5:26 AM [+] ::

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